Friday 4 December 2020

Would You Rather

Today we did a little writing task. I really enjoyed it! We had to make would you rather questions. I struggled to get started but once I had a few I was on a roll I ended up with 13. My favorite one was, Would you rather eat 1 cup of stringy melted cheese or 1 cup of greasy melted butter? The goal with this task was to add as many adjectives as we could. I was pretty happy with how much I got done and the quality.

Friday 20 November 2020

Step It Up Artwork

 This is my digital artwork we did today. It is called Dish Of Apples made by Paul Cezanne. I chose these colors because they are a bit brighter and you can see all the details of the picture a bit better. This artist had gone for the rustic look with lots of curves and not many straight lines. They have blended some colors to get a cool affect. They have used dark colors which makes it a bit harder to make out which makes it look rustic and old. The main part of this artwork is the apples because they take up most of the space.

Hope you like them.

My Colored Artwork

The Origanal

Rainbow Artwork

 Today we had Mrs Torrie in our class. This week we did digital coloring in of famous artwork. I chose to do Composition made by Mohamed Melehi. I chose this artwork because it looked cool and I had a good idea on what I could do with it.

This artist has used lots of wavy lines and dark colors most of the space is taken by the colors in the background but the wavy lines are in the middle so it makes them pop.

My Colored Artwork

What I did to my artwork was made it a bit more bright and colorful and I tried to make the colors in the wavy lines match each other.

The Original by Mohamed Melehi

I hope you like them.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Tech Challenge


Throughout the last few weeks the year 7s have been doing cooking for tech. This week we will have our last session for the year and we are lucky enough to be making ICE CREAM!! I am super exited.

 In prep of this we got into our pairs and designed our own ice cream flavor and then we made a advertisement poster. Rylee and I chose to do a kiwi fruit pavlova. The challenge was to include at least one fresh element within our ice cream. This is our poster.


Wednesday 9 September 2020


Throughout the past few days we have been making collages mine i named a Yeetabeast. I hope you like the writing i did about my animal :-)
Hi I am a Yeetabeast I live in the Savannas. I am made of a Rhino, a Stag, a Horse, a Giraffe, a Zebra and a German Shepard. I come out at sunset and sit on the hill with my friends. I hangout with the Peakasauras who flies all the way over from Africa every sunset. I stand at a huge 16 foot all thanks to my giraffe legs!! I am very friendly and my previous owner was Tarzan. We went everywhere together he rode me. I will never trust humans again since the Irish and their men killed Tarzan while we were on the run. Me and the Peakasauras plan to one day conquer the world then all of humankind will be gone forever.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Finishing Tech

(-: Wood Work :-)

For this term the year 7s have been doing wood work for tech. Peter has been teaching us and we have made some cool wooden stools. 

I think wood work is really fun but also challenging because you have to get the measurements perfect, it was also really hard to learn new skills with all the different tools. 

I think learning wood work is a really important skill in life so I am happy I get to learn this so early in life.

Thanks Jaimee

Wednesday 19 August 2020

How the earth works

For the past few weeks our work has been around mountains and volcano´s and how they work. Throughout this week we have been focusing on the earths layers this will help us understand how the volcano's work. I really enjoyed doing this task because it was a bit of a challenge but I like a challenge and it was also fun trying to find different shapes to make it look as realistic as possible. The hardest part for me was making it look like it was a piece cut out of earth and also working with the technology because i´m not the best with technology.
Thanks Jaimee