Wednesday 26 August 2020

Finishing Tech

(-: Wood Work :-)

For this term the year 7s have been doing wood work for tech. Peter has been teaching us and we have made some cool wooden stools. 

I think wood work is really fun but also challenging because you have to get the measurements perfect, it was also really hard to learn new skills with all the different tools. 

I think learning wood work is a really important skill in life so I am happy I get to learn this so early in life.

Thanks Jaimee

Wednesday 19 August 2020

How the earth works

For the past few weeks our work has been around mountains and volcano´s and how they work. Throughout this week we have been focusing on the earths layers this will help us understand how the volcano's work. I really enjoyed doing this task because it was a bit of a challenge but I like a challenge and it was also fun trying to find different shapes to make it look as realistic as possible. The hardest part for me was making it look like it was a piece cut out of earth and also working with the technology because i´m not the best with technology.
Thanks Jaimee 

Friday 7 August 2020

Music Creation

Today we had cyber smart. We were working on making a piece of music to suit our picture. We have been focusing on music creations for the past few weeks with cybersmart. This week we used a site called SoundTrap. My picture was a horse hacking so I based my music on guitar and kept it chill and country. The thing I found hard was finding the music that sounded right to suit my picture. Keep in mind I am still working on this and I am not finished. I hope you like it.
Thanks Jaimee